Why GitLab is Not Ready for Big Repos

For small repositories with little in the way of binary files (such as images), GitLab is actually a very nice, flexible git repository hosting solution. When you start talking about repositories with thousands of images and a near-decade of commits, such as is the case with an old videogame project, you run into problems.

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More Blog Work

I’m going to be working on the blog over the next few days, mostly working on trying to make my resume more prevalent and making the site itself less funky looking. The theme’s great overall, but it has some derpiness, mostly with the front page layout and how thumbnails are handled.

Also, let me know if you’d like to see something on the site.  – MORE

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Fun and Adventure with Ruby, Redmine, and Lighty

For those who don’t know me all that well, I’m a lighttpd fan.  I use it for serving web data from all sorts of systems:  PHP, HHVM, Python, and even Lua have run on my servers, and all through lighttpd.  However, there’s always been one big outlier who just doesn’t get along with everything else, and that has been Ruby. – MORE

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