HHVM on Lighttpd – Walk in the Park
Just switched this server (dedi.nexisonline.net) to HHVM, a recode of PHP by Facebook. The process went smoother than expected, although I switched the ChanMan/testing server to HHVM a while ago,…
Just switched this server (dedi.nexisonline.net) to HHVM, a recode of PHP by Facebook. The process went smoother than expected, although I switched the ChanMan/testing server to HHVM a while ago,…
Eyesight is still recovering from my migraine cluster, but managed to get some banners and theming done for this. I didn't want to do anything too fancy, but this green…
I realize I haven't had a portfolio for a long time. I've been meaning to get to it, but with all of my other projects going on, on top of…
Just tossing a front page up here while I build a portfolio. More later.